Thursday, December 4, 2008

I didnt get much sleep last night

This is what I felt like. I could just see everyone laughing at me. All I did was toss and turn all night. Now the question is what led up to this? Hummm let me see, maybe the fact that things didn't go so well in PH chat last night? I know I am not the smartest person in the world, I do a lot of typos. I miss spell words. But no one is perfect right? So now because of my typos I am being nicknamed certain names. Now if I wanted to be called that name I would log on with that name right? So why is it necessary to be called what you don't want to be called, why after a few attempts to get a certain person to stop calling me that, she continues to do it. I mean I have asked her in a nice way. And it continues. Also my cravings, just because I crave lemons, do I need to be called lemon? Again if I wanted to be called lemon I would log-in as Lemon. So if I start craving Crap. I'm I going to be called crap? Yeah my cravings are funny and my typos are funny, and it is funny at first, but there is a limit. I try so very very hard not to do any typos, just so I wont be called what I type. You can't even imagine how many times I proof read when I write these blogs, to make sure I have spelled a word right. And even after I post it I re-read it to make sure and if I did a boo-boo I go back and edit it.
I have held back on letting others know what I crave and eat just so I won't be called that. I use my backspace alot in chat to make sure I type a word right. But for some reason It doesn't always come out right.
So last night I just got tired of it, mostly because of a certain person that just goes on and on with me. And like I said I have asked her to stop. Especially when she has done it in front of male PH chatters.
I made a decision last night and that is to stay away for a few days from PH chat and the PH boards.

I think it will be best if I don't post any of my stupidities (sp) or dumb ass mistakes that I make, on the boards. And it be best that I stay away from chat for a few days also, now staying away from PH chat is going to be harder then I think, but I have to try and be strong about it.




Anonymous said...

Hey..we all make mistakes you know..
We are here for you not stay away..I emailed you also..

Love & Hugs,

Anonymous said...

plese don['t stay away. mason is here now and i jnow you want to tlk to him. i left my errors in to show you we all do the typo thing. you are missed

The Truth said...

Catalina, I'm so sorry!

I don't want you to stay away and feel bad! You are very important to me, and I only hope that chat is a good thing and not a bad one.