Hi, I haven't been posting for awhile. I guess
has been spending alot of time on FB.
It seems that Baby chick
has been on the look-out, because she reminded momma hen that she needed to update her blog, LOL
It seems that Baby chick
Baby chick has not only been on the look-out for updating blogs, but she has also been on the look-out for momma hen. You see last night momma hen was having more SOB then usual. Baby chick started talking to momma hen and figured out why, she has been feeling that way.
Momma Hen is going through alot of stress right now, and she has been VERY LOUD! She is going through alot of different family issues and they are all adding up. But baby chick came to the rescue last night and talked to Momma hen for awhile and calmed her down a bit.
Momma hen is trying to slove everything that is going on, on her own.. And she knows that it is impossible, and that is not easy for momma hen. Momma hen is used to taking care of the problems in the family and it is killing her to see that she can not do anything about it.
Momma Hen whats to let Baby Chick know that, she appreciates you being there for her last night to talk to. I appreciate you looking out for me and telling me what you did :) Your words made me feel so loved and cared about.
At one time I was say that JenC was my phriend because of PH, now I can say that she is also my friend, my shoulder to cry on when I need it, my chat buddy, my addictive partner, LOL. And of course my baby chick :) May our friendship last forever!
Hugs and besos!
That is what Friends are for:))
Man..that made me cry.. Just know that this Baby Chick is always here for you...
And..you cannot take care of everything..I know that's hard to believe but those kids are grown and well they have to learn on their own..And getting LOUD and yelling is only making you feel worse..so try and chill and just take one day at a time..
Try and rest tonite...
Hugs, love & Besos,
Jen(baby chick)
Well I knew before getting down to the bottom of the screen that you were referring to Jen as Baby Chick. Because Baby Chick likes to remind people when they are not posting in their blogs. LOL!
I'm glad Jen is there for you, she is a wonderful friend. :) I'm sorry you are having family issues right now, I do hope they get better! Just remember whatever it is that Jen said to you. I know that it was probably some really helpful advice. :)
Colleen :)
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