Saturday, December 13, 2008

I had decided not to buy...

Photobucket this year. I always go out of my way to make a Grandkids Xmas gift list.
I do it on my PC. I add all my grandkids names and ask them each to write in 3 choices of what they would like to receive from me. With nimber one being the first choice, but they know that if I can not find it I will go to the next or third but it will be the same amount of money. I set a limit amount. I decorate it very nice with a
Photobucket and aPhotobucket and any other Xmas decorations. On Friday I called my daughter at work and I let her know of my plans. I told her that I would not be buying gifts this year instead I wanted to take everyone out to dinner. She told me that they had a dentist appt on Sat and would let me know about Sunday I said ok please do let me know because I have to let the others know what time. I waited and waited and no call from her. I call her cell phone and my grandson answer is. I ask him about my daughter and he tells me she is at the dentist appt. I ask him to please call her and tell her to call me on his dad's cell. She calls me a few minutes ago and I ask her I need to know about tomorrow. She tells me well.... Chema ( her husband) had his teeth done today and he won't be able to eat.... so I guess you guys go ahead and go. Wowwwww now was I was expecting that or what? LOL. So since he can't eat, none of them will be joing us. Not even her!
Now the reason I decided not to buy Xmas gifts this years is because of her. she accused me of buying more for my son's kids then hers. Which is not true because I spent the same amount on all of them. So not to make things so complicated and unfair to her. I decided on dinner!
Bad idea hah? Well my older son Jose and his wife are fine with it So I guess it will be just them.
It's ok though I am not going to let her get to me and me have a bad dinner tomorrow with the rest of my family

Thanks for reading



Colleen said...

Good for you, Cathy! You offered dinner to her, she didn't accept (for a silly reason, I might add). There isn't anything you can do about it, so have a good time with everyone who CAN go!

Colleen :)

Anonymous said...

Hey, Can I go in her place??LOL..I do not inderstand that at all but just go with the rest of the familia and enjoy:)...Sorry it turned out that way.

Take care..
Hugs & Love,