I can't wait to start eating TURKEY! Yum, yummy, LOL
Ok, I think these are enough pictures, LOL. I have had I think the best birthday ever! Thanks to all my family, friends, phamily and phriends! I do not regret one bit being 5oyrs old and beautiful!
Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving :) Don't eat to much! Yeah right!!
My husband has been so patient with me. ( I'm not). He is good to me. I appreciate him alot. Even though sometimes he justs ticks me off, men! Can't live with them, can't live without them. Anyway he has been outside since yesterday putting in wire for landscape lights. I mean I told him about 2 weeks ago that I wanted lights by the walkway because it is very dark and I didn't want to risk anyone (drunk) falling or the kids that tend to run around. Boy do they have energy. Do I mean the drunks or the kids have energy? I dunnoooo. Well he finally put some of the lights and he turned them on. They look nice right now, lets see when it gets dark. I am pretty sure they will look nice, after all his specialty is electrical work, even though he can build a house from bottom to top. He likes electrical work better and he is good at it. I am not bragging it is just the truth.